Re: [Evolution] Keyboard shortcut for Next unread message in another folder

On Fri, 2006-12-15 at 20:54 +0000, Enver ALTIN wrote:
On 12/15/06, Patrick O'Callaghan <poc usb ve> wrote:
On Fri, 2006-12-15 at 14:20 +0000, Calum Benson wrote:
On Thu, 2006-12-14 at 19:17 -0400, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
On Thu, 2006-12-14 at 15:56 -0700, Brett Johnson wrote:
When you create a search folder which includes unread messages in a
collection of other folders, you've just thrown away a bunch of
context for reading the messages (i.e. which folder they come from).
Right click on the column headings and select Add A Column. Add the
column "Location".
And then curse as you have to make your window much wider than you want
it to be before you can see anything useful in that column :)
True. It would be much more useful to have that column right-justified
(generally what you want to see is the folder name, not the rest of the
URL). Or just have the folder name itself and to hell with the rest.
I wonder if there's any work being done in grouping messages the way
it's implemented in tasks view or the way Outlook 2003 does it, ie.
group by date/location/sender/subject/etc. I guess it would save a lot
of horizontal real-estate and improve usability a bit.
I have already filled a bug for the same

Would it be possible for someone to attach a screenshot of Outlook 2003
to this.

Ritesh Khadgaray
LinuX N Stuff
Ph: +919822394463
Eat Right, Exercise, Die Anyway.

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