Re: [Evolution] [SPAM] Re: Combining "/sent" mail directories in different user accounts

On Sat, 2018-07-28 at 16:03 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
On Sat, 2018-07-28 at 14:13 +0100, Richard Bown wrote:
Assuming POP accounts using the same MUA or off-line IMAP and
the same UID, for both approaches, a sync should do the job. If not,
least a script might be needed to run chown. There might be other
pitfalls as well.

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I've used rsync to move jpegs and .avi files off one computer to
another, with different UID each end, there's no problem when using a
secure shell .

an example of what I used:-
scp odroid@odroid64:~/Pictures/motion2/* ~/Pictures/motion2/  && ssh od
roid@odroid64 'rm -f ~/Pictures/motion2/*' && 'exit'

/usr/bin/rsync -avz --remove-source-files odroid@odroid64:~/Pictures/mo
tion/ ~/Pictures/motion/ 

Thats two lines Evo has wrapped them, both work individually.
the second line is much cleaner
 Best wishes /73 
 Richard Bown
 Email : richard g8jvm com

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