Re: [Evolution] Update to 3.40.0 changed view

On Sat, 2021-04-10 at 11:51 +0200, Andre Klapper via evolution-list
On Sat, 2021-04-10 at 11:18 +0200, Ralf Mardorf via evolution-list
seemingly the update from 3.38.4 to 3.40.0 changed the view chosen by
the user, see attachment. I for example prefer one "force image"
over two buttons. IMO updates shouldn't override/overwrite existing
views, at least an update should check, if a button already exists,
instead of adding a duplicate.
IMHO it's not up to the software to check whether you may have manually
added icons via some hacks, and then check for each icon if it may
be shown by default now, and then remove your custom icon's position.

If you make random customizations then it is up to you to maintain and
rebase these customizations.

adding this icon by a "hack" was quite important a while ago, not really
a "random customizations". I don't have a link to the email archive at
hand. However, those who suffer from the same "hack" and don't remember
what the action is named, but who want to get rid of a duplicated icon:

$ ls -hAl .config/evolution/ui/evolution-mail.ui*; diff .config/evolution/ui/evolution-mail.ui* 
.rw-r--r-- rocketmouse rocketmouse 6.8 KB Sat Apr 10 11:34:13 2021  .config/evolution/ui/evolution-mail.ui
.rw-r--r-- rocketmouse rocketmouse 6.8 KB Mon May 18 08:44:22 2020  
    <toolitem action='mail-load-images'/>

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