Re: [Evolution] Update to 3.40.0 changed view

On Sat, 2021-04-10 at 11:28 +0100, Pete Biggs wrote:
On Sat, 2021-04-10 at 11:51 +0200, Andre Klapper via evolution-list
On Sat, 2021-04-10 at 11:18 +0200, Ralf Mardorf via evolution-list
seemingly the update from 3.38.4 to 3.40.0 changed the view chosen by
the user, see attachment. I for example prefer one "force image"
over two buttons. IMO updates shouldn't override/overwrite existing
views, at least an update should check, if a button already exists,
instead of adding a duplicate.
IMHO it's not up to the software to check whether you may have manually
added icons via some hacks, and then check for each icon if it may
be shown by default now, and then remove your custom icon's position.

If you make random customizations then it is up to you to maintain and
rebase these customizations.

Quite.  What if you have a system with multiple users each making
customisations? How is that to be reconciled?

I don't insist in such a feature, I only want to answer your question.

It should not remove the button/icon from the .config, but when
launching Evolution, Evolution could still add the button/icon as
mentioned by the .config/evolution/ui/evolution-mail.ui and if so, to
skip adding it to the toolbar in addition to a default location.
Evolution could only add the button/icon to a default location or don't
add it at all, if .config doesn't contain it. This would work without
issues even for multi user systems and is done by "if config-file, then,
else" equivalents for a lot of settings by programmers of all kind of
different programming languages, for software all the time. It's not
something unusual to provide such a feature.

I was just surprised to see a duplicated button/icon after an update. A
button/icon that was seemingly considered as unneeded for several
releases by the developers, hence the "hack".


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