Re: Beginners questions...

On Sun, 2002-12-08 at 14:52, Solyomszem wrote:
> Hi!
>  Thanks for the help but I have one more question, maybe the most important at the
> moment for me:
>  The "fast-network" machine that was mentioned in a letter, is not my machine and it
> is "equipped" with wind*z so I can't run garnome on it. Thats why I asked what version
> of gnome should I download. (I can only get my portable winchester to the school
> and download files with ftp.)
>  I've already downloaded gnome 2.1.3. but as I scanned the directories in garnome - 
> especially ./garnome-<verson>/gnome/ - I saw that there are more directories than in
> gnome 2.1.3.. (107 dirs in garnome, circa 70-80 *.tar.gz or .bz2 in gnome 2.1.3.)
> Does that mean I have to get some more tarballs from somewhere or garnome will run
> without those tarballs that are not in gnome 2.1.3.?
>  Thank you
>    Solyom
> -- 
> This night methinks is but the daylight sick.
> 		-- William Shakespeare, "The Merchant of Venice"

If we're going to delve into odder messy solutions (cygwin et al),
here's my two cents ..

backup, then in, find the two? instances of wget,
and replace those commands with:

@echo $* >> ~/getlist.txt

now, make garchive will give you a list of URLs to be downloaded, in

grab those files with whatever tools on the windows machine, then put
them in garchive dir.

Of course, you'll have to replace with the original before
garnome is usable once more

HTH, Shaun.

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