Re: mozilla with xft + galeon?

On Mon, 2002-11-04 at 18:56, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> Yes. GARNOME includes all of the fontconfig/xft bits, Mozilla and the GTK+ 2
> patches, and Galeon.
> Makes for a pretty rough install, that Mozzy. ;-)

Maybe you ought to include a warning with the next GARNOME release that
Galeon 1.3 uses the same directories and so on as Galeon 1.2.x, so
people should back up their stuff just in case.

[Yes, I found out the hard way. I installed Mozilla & Galeon on top of
GARNOME 0.18.3. Galeon 1.3 converted my bookmarks file and was quite
usable. However after some time, it would only open zillions of tabs
saying "about:blank" and no proper webpages anymore. Old Galeon wouldn't
read the changed bookmarks file. Luckily I had a (slightly older) one at


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