Re: [Gimp-user] Gimp not starting on Mac OS 10.6.8 32 bit

On Tue, 2012-11-20 at 08:00 -0500, Matteo D email wrote:

I have been using Gimp for a week or so and have really enjoyed it.  It was perfect for my needs, and has 
helped me with many tasks.  However, one day Gimp stopped working.  It wasn't that Gimp froze or anything, 
It would jump in the dock for a few seconds, then just stop and an error would come on the screen saying it 
quit unexpectedly.  I restarted my computer and Gimp worked fine.  One day, Gimp wouldn't start at all, and 
restarting the computer did not help.  I deleted all of Gimp's files and reinstalled it, somehow Gimp STILL 
didn't work.  I triple checked and re-downloaded many more times, but Gimp still did not want to start.  
Sadly, I am unable to supply a crash report.  However, when I read it, it said something about a GCS window 
or something.  I understand how important a crash report would be, but I am just unable to supply it to 
you. Here are my computer specs:

MacBook, 13-inch 2006
Mac OS X 10.6.8 (Snow Leopard) 32-bit
Intel Core Duo 1.83GHZ
2GB of RAM
And what version of GIMP, downloaded from where?

I know that it is NOT the computer specs that make Gimp unable to run because as I said, at one point Gimp 
worked fine.

I really hope that you guys can help me with this problem!
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