2012-November Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
[Gimp-user] Learning Layers from the start,
[Gimp-user] UFRaw cutting file,
[Gimp-user] scanner works with linux,
Gracia M. Littauer
[Gimp-user] Zee File Management System with Calc,
[Gimp-user] Gimp 2.8 buttons,
Web Master
[Gimp-user] gimp help offline,
Daniel Conklin
[Gimp-user] Gimp 2.8 sliders,
[Gimp-user] Gimp 2.8.2 - EPS Support,
Thomas Dalichow
Re: [Gimp-user] gimp-user-list Digest, Vol 14, Issue 45,
Fabio Colella
[Gimp-user] Gimp 2.8 and Windows 8,
[Gimp-user] Text border,
Fabio Colella
[Gimp-user] exporting to psd format issue,
[Gimp-user] Installing on Windows 7,
A. den Oudsten
[Gimp-user] Win 7 icons,
[Gimp-user] Tablet Problems,
Lagracour Vanee
[Gimp-user] Gimp - Daz studio,
Ray Edwards
[Gimp-user] How to revert to version 2.6 in Ubuntu,
Pietro Calogero
Re: [Gimp-user] problem with openraster plugin in GIMP 2.8.2,
[Gimp-user] plugin to tile layers?,
Cédric Bertolini
[Gimp-user] Newbie -Gimp2.8 no dialog box for crop feature,
Grace Marshall
[Gimp-user] Gimp not starting on Mac OS 10.6.8 32 bit,
Matteo D email
[Gimp-user] GIMP 2.8.2,
Robert Bruyns
[Gimp-user] new page with tuto for installing Save/export clean plug-in,
[Gimp-user] gimp 2.8 export, after save as keeps old files name,
[Gimp-user] finding layers after file has been closed,
jenn golden
- Re: [Gimp-user] finding layers after file has been closed,
Burnie West
- Re: [Gimp-user] finding layers after file has been closed,
Daniel Smith
- Re: [Gimp-user] finding layers after file has been closed,
jenn golden
- Re: [Gimp-user] finding layers after file has been closed,
Matthew Miller
- Re: [Gimp-user] finding layers after file has been closed (.... so much for the new export/save methods),
Jay Smith
- Re: [Gimp-user] finding layers after file has been closed (.... so much for the new export/save methods),
jenn golden
- Re: [Gimp-user] finding layers after file has been closed (.... so much for the new export/save methods),
Burnie West
- Re: [Gimp-user] finding layers after file has been closed (.... so much for the new export/save methods),
Jay Smith
- Re: [Gimp-user] finding layers after file has been closed (.... so much for the new export/save methods),
Patrick Shanahan
- Re: [Gimp-user] finding layers after file has been closed (.... so much for the new export/save methods),
- Re: [Gimp-user] finding layers after file has been closed (.... so much for the new export/save methods),
Alexandre Prokoudine
- Re: [Gimp-user] finding layers after file has been closed (.... so much for the new export/save methods),
Archie Arevalo
- Re: [Gimp-user] finding layers after file has been closed (.... so much for the new export/save methods),
- Re: [Gimp-user] finding layers after file has been closed (.... so much for the new export/save methods),
- Re: [Gimp-user] finding layers after file has been closed,
Richard Gitschlag
[Gimp-user] Dialog move threshold?,
Dexter Filmore
[Gimp-user] Editing text along a path,
[Gimp-user] Gimp pdf export turns high res xcf into low res file and distorts text,
Kamilla Elliott
[Gimp-user] Sticky state of windows in Gimp 2.8,
[Gimp-user] RAW,
[Gimp-user] 8x10 photo without cropping...,
jenn golden
[Gimp-user] gimp 2.8.2: any way to have "advanced" always expanded in jpeg export?,
Matthew Miller
[Gimp-user] time saver?,
[Gimp-user] Photoshop Alternatives,
[Gimp-user] gimpusers.com mailing list connection (changes),
[Gimp-user] Resynthezier: can't make it work,
Dexter Filmore
[Gimp-user] creating immage (gif) by drawing at the pixel level.,
[Gimp-user] Disappearing act of GIMP,
zafer top
[Gimp-user] GIMP at Blueforge - the Software Wiki!,
Angelika Müller
[Gimp-user] inverting picture,
Blk Jck
[Gimp-user] Tearing my hair out,
Re: [Gimp-user] Error,
[Gimp-user] Gimp Toolbox,
Kinisha C .
[Gimp-user] gimp fais saving some jpg files,
Alexander Rabtchevich
[Gimp-user] build problem,
Gary Aitken
[Gimp-user] Python script query,
[Gimp-user] Thanks Guys,
Desmond Devlin
[Gimp-user] Allow myself to introduce...... myself,
Desmond Devlin
[Gimp-user] Please remove me from the mailing list,
[Gimp-user] channels to layers?,
[Gimp-user] create a custom tool or run script at cursor?,
Dexter Filmore
[Gimp-user] Text Along Path GIMP 2.8.2,
[Gimp-user] Gimp on Win 8,
john Culleton
[Gimp-user] double exposure,
jenn golden
[Gimp-user] Monitor recommendations?,
Daniel Smith
[Gimp-user] Tool switching and preset troubles,
[Gimp-user] (no subject),
Theuns Heydenrych
[Gimp-user] "Virtual" rescale,
Johannes Bauer
[Gimp-user] text tool chanes text properties when i paste over old text content,
[Gimp-user] jpeg files not recognised,
Re: [Gimp-user] Error.,
Kevin Brubeck Unhammer
- [Gimp-user] Error.,
- Re: [Gimp-user] Error.,
Jernej SimonÄiÄ
- [Gimp-user] Error.,
- Re: [Gimp-user] Error.,
Mark Bourne
- [Gimp-user] Error.,
- [Gimp-user] Error.,
- Re: [Gimp-user] Error.,
Daniel Smith
- Re: [Gimp-user] Error.,
Steve Kinney
- Re: [Gimp-user] Error.,
Jernej SimonÄiÄ
- Re: [Gimp-user] Error.,
Steve Kinney
- Re: [Gimp-user] Error.,
Daniel Smith
- Re: [Gimp-user] Error.,
Daniel Smith
- Re: [Gimp-user] Error.,
Steve Kinney
- Re: [Gimp-user] Error.,
- Re: [Gimp-user] Error.,
Daniel Smith
- Re: [Gimp-user] Error.,
Kevin Cozens
- [Gimp-user] Error.,
- Re: [Gimp-user] Error.,
Daniel Smith
- Re: [Gimp-user] Error.,
Steve Kinney
- [Gimp-user] Please change the subject if you do so... [was: Re: Error.],
Michael Schumacher
- Message not available
- Re: [Gimp-user] Error.,
Kevin Cozens
- [Gimp-user] Error.,
- Re: [Gimp-user] Error.,
Daniel Smith
- Re: [Gimp-user] Error.,
Kevin Brubeck Unhammer
- [Gimp-user] Error.,
- Re: [Gimp-user] Error.,
Michael Schumacher
- Re: [Gimp-user] Error.,
john Culleton
- Re: [Gimp-user] Error.,
Jernej SimonÄiÄ
- [Gimp-user] Error.,
- Re: [Gimp-user] Error.,
Michael Schumacher
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