StarOffice accessible

Hi all
Further to trying to make openoffice 1.1 beta 2 work with gnopernicus, I decided to try staroffice 6.1 beta 2. Openoffice and staroffice are very similar, in fact, I think openoffice was a spin-off version of staroffice (correct me if I'm wrong on this). At any rate, once the variable SAL_ACCESSIBILITY_ENABLED=1 was set, everything from the installation onward was accessible, though some funny things happened. These things also happened when running the applications after installation. First, something must happen to keyboard input that does something to gnopernicus. For instance, keyboard echo does not work. However, what I'm typing appears on my powerbraille just fine. A similar thing happens to the keypad, I can't use the keypad. However, braille review keys work as they should, and I can emulate the keypad using them. Odd. The only other thing I've noticed as that gnopernicus crashes when trying to enter data in the spreadsheet. However, it's gnopernicus which seems to have the problem here. Apart from these bugs, staroffice 6.1 beta 2 seems quite useable, and is more accessible than openoffice 1.1 beta 1 was. So for those having trouble with the latest openoffice, give staroffice a shot. Just thought I'd let everyone know my findings here.

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