problems using gnopernicus

I appear to have everything installed and configured but I'm having problems. With startx, I don't even know if I'm getting as far as gnopernicus. if i hit alt+f2 it beeps at me; I can type ok after that but not sure anything happens. However, I can start gdm as root and then log in as chomiak after the beep. then i do get speech and it says the braille device can not be initialized and says it's creating windows. Where I usually end up appears to be icons of stuff in my home directory, though I also can end up in something that says "menu: pushbutton available". I see no way to get into preferences, plus which of course starting gdm as root isn't really the proper way to do things. Also, I'm stuck with a bunch of things unkilled when I get out of there since I see no logout button. Once when I tried to start gdm and apparently it was already running, I did get braille asking me whether or not I wanted to try opening on another console with Yes/No choices, but I'm assuming that was not actually within X so was just using brltty in text console. Btw, if i run startx and then go into another console and try to start gnopernicus, i get errors about can not open display.


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