dectalk caveat; also apparently alsactl problem

Maybe this is already known but thought I'd post just in case.
I have dectalk software on my system which I purchased.

When I installed gnome I also installed festival but I don't really like festival plus it decided to overwrite the saytime program I like with its own version which I don't like as well. so i removed festival, though I suppose I could have just removed the offending saytime script.

Speech started with gnopernicus (though braille won't), apparently using dectalk, since I found instances of dectalk-synthes when running ps. I also notice these don't always seem to get killed though some of that was my fault when i originally was running gdm.

At any rate, at one point when I logged in to gdm speech died. Just to see if dectalk was okay i ran "say" from the console and was told dectalk had exceeded its license quota. when i got rid of gdm running at reboot and then rebooted without gnopernicus, "say" ran fine. So apparently there's a problem here. I also found that when running gnopernicus when I'd reboot if I ran 'alsactl restore" I got all sorts of strange warnings about value mismatches of various settings even though sound did work. That is also no longer happening without gdm/gnopernicus/dectalk running.

So, if i MUST run festival with gnopernicus, how do I make sure festival is run instead of dectalk? If i ever figure out why braille won't work I won't bother with the speech any more but for now i have no choice.


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