
Hi all,

I'm sorry for my questions of newbie to the gnome-accessibility world. 
As I do not understant why it is impossible to select festival in my 
gnopernicus, I decided to work with fretts. 
First, I installed a Sun jdk 1.5.0_03, I set the CLASSPATH and PATH 
environnement variables correctly.
Then also downloaded the java access bridge 1.4.5 I think.
It compiled and installed correctly. 
Then I downloaded the last release of freetts (1.2.1). 
The problem is when I try to build gnome-specch. The configure script 
runs correctly (with --with-jab-dir --with-freetts-dir --with-java-home 
are set correctly). At the end of configure, the current configuration 
seems ok. Then I do "make" and I get many erros : org.GNOME.Bonobo : 
package not found.

Can anyone help me ?

Olivier BERT
e-mail: obert01 mistigri org

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