Re: freetts

test-speech asks me : "Select a server :".
And that's all. I don't know what parameter I have to give.

When I run by hand freetts-synthesis-driver, it seems to find java but
it says :
    Hello, FreeTTS Driver is not running.
    ORB running

OK - so getting freetts-synthesis-driver going is a good thing,
and the message you give above indicates that it is working.

Now, with freetts-synthesis-driver running in a separate window,
try running test-speech again.  It *should* discover the
FreeTTS driver that is now running.  If this works, then I think
the problem is most likely that the freetts-synthesis-driver
script cannot find java on its own and is depending upon something
in your path.  If you want to hard code things, you can hand edit
the freetts-synthesis-driver script to provide a complete path
to the java executable.


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