Re: backup applications and speech

What Backup applications work with Gnome Orca?
Someone helping me get Ubuntu working with speech suggested R Sync and someone else suggested Simple Backup.

Hi Michael,

I don't think there is a consensus approach on backup at the moment. Several people are working on simply backup solutions, but no clear standard has emerged. rsync would be useful if you prefer to use the command line.

To everyone:

We are starting to see a fair number of general Linux support questions on this and other lists now. The good news is that a growing number of users are experimenting with the free desktop with the aim of ditching Windows. The worry is that lists like this might soon get flooded with general support requests that we who frequent it may not even always be the best suited to answer.

We obviously need to welcome the new users arriving, but we should perhaps start thinking of ways to connect them with the wider Free Software community for general support. I made a post [1] in our forum relating this earlier today. But I'm interested to hear other ideas as well.

- Henrik


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