2006-September Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
ctrl alt f1 not working,
edgy beta not speaking,
Help with LSR,
Lorenzo Taylor
orca vs. gnopernicus,
Steven Murmann DDS
Using the Evolution calendar,
Krister Ekstrom
An anoyanse in Evolution with Orca,
Krister Ekstrom
follow-up on the OOo crash when saving on Ubuntu,
Joanmarie Diggs
Java-access-bridge-1.6.0 errors,
[Fwd: Re: Orca list of orca bugs],
Francisco Javier Dorado =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Mart=EDnez?=
A couple of OpenOffice questions,
Krister Ekstrom
Adding applets in Gnome and other questions,
Krister Ekstrom
Running Orca on the latest daily build of Ubuntu,
Petra Ritter
At-Poke of Evolution,
Brette Luck
[Fwd: Re: Evolution questions],
Fracisco Javier Dorado =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Mart=EDnez?=
Evolution questions,
Krister Ekstrom
Re: trouble getting Gnopernicus to talk,
Brette Luck
Cepstral voices.,
Thomas Ward
Multichannel audio not consistent between sound cards?,
Al Puzzuoli
installing edgy,
edgy not booting into live,
default synthesiser and multiple languages,
Straw man agenda,
Willie Walker
info on orca with unbuntu,
hank smith
Orca now running on AMD64 with latest Edgy installation,
Roland Zitzke
Gnome from the sources questions.,
David Csercsics
[henrik ubuntu com: Re: still can't boot edgy!!!],
Keith Watson
Best way to get Edgy.,
Thomas Ward
selecting text in a gnome terminal,
Kenny Hitt
Fwd: Re Cannot boot latest Ubuntu Edgy,
Cheryl Homiak
brltty placement in ubuntu,
Cheryl Homiak
running dappa live with speech,
Cannot boot latest Ubuntu Edgy,
Announcing Orca v1.0.0,
Willie Walker
need help installing orca on ubuntu 5.10?,
ben mustill-rose
Question about Orca,
Cheryl Homiak
compiling or obtaining gnome-speech; also festival and orca on debian,
Cheryl Homiak
[gnopernicus on debian etch],
Rylan Vroom
backup applications and speech,
still can't boot edgy!!!,
Cheryl Homiak
Question about installing ubuntu,
Re: Running Orca on the Edgy Live CD -- HOWTO,
Petra Ritter
Starting brltty from ubuntu-powerpc edgy cd with usb-to-serial,
Cheryl Homiak
checking edgy cd for latest orca,
Re: Software that works with Orca? - was Re: Ubuntu on my desktop,
Thomas Ward
Re: Orca very unfortunate with edgy live cd, can't get it working,
Thomas Ward
Set up Orca with Alva Satellite Braile Display on Ubuntu 6.10 Live-CD,
Petra Ritter
command or graphical update,
Starting brltty on edgy ubuntu-powerpc,
Cheryl Homiak
- Re: Starting brltty on edgy ubuntu-powerpc,
Joanmarie Diggs
- Re: Starting brltty on edgy ubuntu-powerpc,
Dave Mielke
- Re: Starting brltty on edgy ubuntu-powerpc,
Joanmarie Diggs
- Re: Starting brltty on edgy ubuntu-powerpc,
Dave Mielke
- Re: Starting brltty on edgy ubuntu-powerpc,
Joanmarie Diggs
- Re: Starting brltty on edgy ubuntu-powerpc,
Cheryl Homiak
- Re: Starting brltty on edgy ubuntu-powerpc,
Willie Walker
- Re: Starting brltty on edgy ubuntu-powerpc,
Henrik Nilsen Omma
- Re: Starting brltty on edgy ubuntu-powerpc,
Dave Mielke
- Re: Starting brltty on edgy ubuntu-powerpc,
Luke Yelavich
- Re: Starting brltty on edgy ubuntu-powerpc,
Samuel Thibault
- Re: Starting brltty on edgy ubuntu-powerpc,
Dave Mielke
- Re: Starting brltty on edgy ubuntu-powerpc,
Cheryl Homiak
Re: Ubuntu on my desktop,
Thomas Ward
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