[dcm redhat com: API Docs - so sad]

Forwarded message that came up in other lists.  This is so important,
that I thought it was goot to mention it on the gnome-announce-list.

Remember, Dave Mason is the documentaiton coordinator for GNOME.

Best wishes,
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Resent-Cc: recipient list not shown: ;
MBOX-Line: From gnome-doc-list-request@gnome.org  Tue Jul 13 12:18:46 1999
To: gnome-hackers@nuclecu.unam.mx, gnome-list@gnome.org, docs@gnome.org
Subject: API Docs - so sad
X-URL: <http://www.redhat.com>
From: "David C. Mason" <dcm@redhat.com>
Date: 13 Jul 1999 12:14:07 -0400
User-Agent: Gnus/5.070095 (Pterodactyl Gnus v0.95) Emacs/20.3
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Resent-From: gnome-doc-list@gnome.org
X-Mailing-List: <gnome-doc-list@gnome.org> archive/latest/165
X-Loop: gnome-doc-list@gnome.org
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Resent-Sender: gnome-doc-list-request@gnome.org
X-URL: http://www.redhat.com

GNOME Project "members",

Well, after a spirited attempt last week to get people to sign up to
write GNOME API docs I have had a whopping, grand total of 0 people
sign up. That's right Zero (0), Nil (0), nada, nothing.

Do I offend? Is writing that hard? Is the process out of line? 

If everyone just picked ONE thing to write it could be done in a
week. Really. One week. We'd be the envy of every project on
earth. Imagine having a friend or co-worker ask you if GNOME had API
docs and you being able to say, "Yes, Yes we do".

OK, not that exciting but this kind of documentation can take the
GNOME project further ahead of any other desktop project out
there. Big time projects aren't going to worry about learning GNOME if
we don't have the docs to make it easy.

So I am on my knees, begging... choose one thing... just one, and
write something for it. If you don't understand the gtk-doc stuff we
are here to help, just ask. Otherwise write it on a napkin and mail it
to me, I'll even type it up for you.

I have included the original message to try and induce an emotional


Start Original:


As some of you may have noticed, I have made an API status page:

Guess what, it is there for a reason that is probably apparent. Now
that Miguel has graciously brought up the topic of everyone helping
out with API docs (thanks Miguel!), I can officially announce the API
status page and the newly rejuvenated GNOME API Documentation Project.

Pay attention, this is real simple... Pick some things in the GNOME
API that are incomplete... make a list... mail the list to me at

I will compile, cross check, and scrutinize the lists and "assign"
things to people. If more than one person signs up for one thing, I
will arbitrate a deal for both of you to work on it.

Work on your list like mad this week (Worldwide Documentation Week)
and check the results into CVS... gnome-libs/devel-docs/ After it is
checked in, send me a note, tell me you are done, and I will update
the status page to say how cool you are for finishing your assigned

If you have questions about how to update the tmpl files in the
gtk-docs documentation package, or you are having trouble with the
docbook tools, subscribe to the gnome-doc-list@gnome.org and ask, there
are good people hanging out there to help you. You can also check the
doc/tools page for info: http://developer.gnome.org/arch/doc/tools.html

Now is the time my friends. If we get this done, we can take over the

- -- 

          David Mason
        Red Hat AD Labs


- -- 
        FAQ: Frequently-Asked Questions at http://www.gnome.org/gnomefaq
         To unsubscribe: mail gnome-doc-list-request@gnome.org with 
                       "unsubscribe" as the Subject.
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