2006-November Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
F-Spot 0.3.0 - Lapse,
Larry Ewing
LSR 0.3.2 - BSD Licensed!,
Peter Parente
Article on "Gnome 2.16" at http://www.linux-magazine.com/issue/74,
Ross Golder
ANNOUNCE: Gazpacho 0.7.0,
Lorenzo Gil Sanchez
Announce GAlbum 0.1,
Andy Tai
Announce: Planner 0.14.2,
Kurt Maute
cairo snapshot 1.3.4 now available,
Carl Worth
gnome-pilot 2.0.15 released,
Matt Davey
GNOME 2.16.2 Released!,
Vincent Untz
[ANNOUNCE] GARNOME 2.16.2 -- "stability refined",
GDM2 2.16.3 (stable), the "Bit Late" Release,
Brian Cameron
ANNOUNCE: Tomboy 0.5.1 Released,
Boyd Timothy
Fantasdic 1.0 beta2 released,
Mathieu Blondel
[Announce] Tracker 0.5.2,
Jamie McCracken
Yelp 2.16.2 Released,
Don Scorgie
Dasher 4.2.2 released,
Phil Cowans
ANNOUNCE: Beagle 0.2.13,
Joe Shaw
Pango-1.14.8 released,
Behdad Esfahbod
[ANNOUNCE} Evolution 2.8.2 and Evolution-Data-Server 1.8.2 released (with GtkHTML 3.12.2 and Evolution-Exchange-2.8.2),
Harish Krishnaswamy
Release: Gnome-schedule 1.1.0,
Gaute Hope
control-center 2.16.2 released,
Rodrigo Moya
ANNOUNCE: Gtk2-Perl 2.16.1,
Torsten Schoenfeld
gnome-games 2.16.2,
gtk-engines 2.8.2 [stable],
Thomas Wood
ANNOUNCE: PyGObject 2.12.3,
Johan Dahlin
Zenity 2.16.2 - Who are you, dude!?,
Lucas Rocha
Eye of GNOME 2.16.2,
Lucas Rocha
ANNOUNCE: Tomboy 0.5.0 Released,
Boyd Timothy
Sysprof Linux Profiler v. 1.0.7,
Soeren Sandmann
cairo snapshot 1.3.2 now available,
Carl Worth
GTetrinet 0.7.11,
Jordi Mallach
Announcing Labyrinth 0.3,
Don Scorgie
[Reminder] GNOME Journal submission deadline,
Lucas Rocha
gnoMint 0.1.3 released,
David =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Mar=EDn_Carre=F1o?=
Subject: nemiver release 0.1.0 now available,
Dodji Seketeli
ANNOUNCE: Gossip 0.19 Released!,
Martyn Russell
system-monitor released,
=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Beno=EEt?= Dejean
[ANNOUNCE] GARNOME 2.17.2 -- "miles to go before I sleep",
GNOME 2.17.2 Released!,
Vincent Untz
Gwget 0.98.2 Release,
David =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Sede=F1o?= Fernandez
Bloggers of Planet GNOME Search Engine,
Nigel Tao
GNOME Power Manager 2.16.2,
Richard Hughes
Deskbar-Applet 2.17.2 Released,
Nigel Tao
[ANNOUNCE} Evolution 2.9.2 and Evolution-Data-Server 1.9.2 released,
Harish Krishnaswamy
gnome-chess 0.4.0 released,
Robert Wilhelm
gnome-games 2.17.2,
Jason D. Clinton
[Announce] Tracker 0.5.1,
Jamie McCracken
GDM2 2.17.2 (unstable), the "Janette" Release,
Brian Cameron
Gnome Hearts 0.1.3 Release Announcement,
Sander Marechal
Epiphany 2.17.2 released,
Reinout van Schouwen
Dasher 4.3.1 released,
Phil Cowans
[ANNOUNCE] metacity 2.17.2 released,
Thomas Thurman
[ANNOUNCE] GtkUnique 0.9.0 - Single Instance Application Library,
Emmanuele Bassi
[ANNOUNCE] Gnome-utils 2.17.0 - "Song for Sunshine",
Emmanuele Bassi
[ANNOUNCE] Gnome-utils 2.16.2 - "No Surprises",
Emmanuele Bassi
ANNOUNCEMENT: Seahorse 0.9.7,
Nate Nielsen
Announcing orca-2.17.2,
Willie Walker
Announcing gnome-speech-0.4.6,
Willie Walker
ANNOUNCEMENT: gnome-keyring 0.7.1,
Nate Nielsen
ANNOUNCE: GnomePython 2.16.1,
Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro
gedit 2.16.2 released,
Paolo Maggi
ANNOUNCE: gcalctool v5.9.7 [hopefully stable],
Rich Burridge
[Announce] Gnome Subtitles 0.0.3 is out!,
Pedro Castro
cairo release 1.2.6 now available,
Behdad Esfahbod
ANNOUNCE: gcalctool v5.8.25 [hopefully now stable],
Rich Burridge
[ANNOUNCE] Vala 0.0.5 - Compiler for the GObject type system,
=?ISO-8859-1?Q?J=FCrg?= Billeter
ANNOUNCE: fast-user-switch-applet 2.17.3 "Sugar Bullets" released,
Thomas Thurman
ANNOUNCE: Beagle 0.2.12,
Joe Shaw
Announcing GNOME.conf.au, January 2007,
Davyd Madeley
Mail converted by MHonArc