Re: Using gnumeric bonobo component

Jody Goldberg wrote:
On Thu, Sep 22, 2005 at 11:52:46PM +0200, Kutloisiso Mona wrote:

I am writing a gtk application. I want to embed a gnumeric bonobo component in this application and having difficultly displaying the control. The container gets displayed but the control does not display. I can get the control but not the property bag.
What version of gnumeric are you trying this with ?
We removed support for the bonobo component build in 1.4.
I think it still worked in 1.2.x but we have not used that code in a
long long time.

I kind of realized that after several days of trying to figure out why I could not find the gnumeric-component file. I am using 1.2.13.

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