Re: BUILD: what I'm doing here

Quoting Erik Walthinsen <>:
> Since I'm an RPM guy, I'm obviously focusing on RPM build issues, but a
> lot of my fixes are generic, as in a package won't build at all without
> them.  So I'm here to create and maintain spec files, fix build problems,
> etc.  I will stay out of real code files myself, instead posting to the
> authors if I have patches or just for notification.

That sounds great.  GnomeHack (which I am the primary author of) would
be the glad recipient of your spec file creating skills.   :)

> If someone wants to step forward and maintain the debian build stuff
> (whatever that is), we can work together to get a build environment going,
> and keep both RPMs and DEBs building cleanly.  Beware that my machine is
> probably not enough to build all of CVS once per day, RPM only, so another
> machine somewhere will be necessary to build DEBs.

The Debian build stuff is already taken care of for most all of Gnome,
(including GnomeHack :), and there is a team of developers working on 
keeping the Debian stuff up to date.

Building both RPMs and DEBs on the same machine is possible, but would 
require a lot of work (i.e. a full chrooted Debian development machine 
needed since default account numbers, library dependancies init 
configuration details and such differ between RedHat and Debian).


Erik B. Andersen   Web: 
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