Update main window help.

I've got an app I'm developing for Gnome (Fax) that I'm writing in 
Obj-C.  I have the gnome-property widget updating some defaults in 
the form of checkbuttons.  I can add a signal to update the 
variables in my main window but can't get the window to show the 
changes.  Can someone please help.  It looks like this:

	checkbutton one

runs when "Setup" button pressed in Gfaxapp instance.
- setup
	pr = [gnome-prop-box new]
	[pr connect apply closeSetup]

runs when pr closes with "OK" or on "apply" signal
- closeSetup
	gets changes from "pr"

At this point all my vars in Gfaxapp instance are updated but don't 
display the update.

If this is too vague I can include more detail.
I'm new to GTK and Objc-C so any help is appreciated.

George Farris - VE7FRG

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