Re: Documentation and Reviews.

>     1.  How have you divided up the work?  How many people are
> 	  involved with documentation--just the three of you?  Do you
> 	  have a plan and, if so, where are you at?  Ultimately, where
> 	  I'm driving to with these questions is how and where can I
> 	  get involved?

Well, many people are supposed to be working helping, but in the
practice, this is going extremely slow.

The best way to help is to read one of our DocBook manual pages, make
sure that all the links are correct, that variables, structures, and
so on use the proper tags (see gtk-doc/doc/authors.txt for help on
this), review the text and so on.

When you have changes, mail me a diff file.

> 	  I won't be efficient at producing the examples; however, I'll
> 	  know whether they're any good.  Can I fit in here?

yes, you will.

>     4.	I might be able to help with Help.  However, I don't
> 	  know--yet!--how the help system is integrated into the Makefile
> 	  architecture.  Makefiles are no big deal for me.  (e.g. even GCC's
> 	  makefiles do not cause me to run screaming from the room.)
> 	  Can I fit in here?  Can I get some guidance concerning the
> 	  help documentation structure?

Check the gnome-libs/devel-docs/{gnome,gnomeui,zvt,gnorba}/
Makefiles.  These are the ones that contain the rules in a per-module

Best wishes,

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