Re: Where can I find a list of all colors


 I know about those. I am writing an app where a user can choose 
colors to use in plots, like "red", "green", ..... What I want is to 
be able to show the user the list of colors they can use. Now, I can 
always show the rgb.txt file. But what happens when a color is not 
available because of crappy graphics card for instance or because they 
use 16 bit instead of 32 bits.....

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

On 4/6/00, 6:01:50 PM, Gareth Bowker <> wrote regarding 
Re: Where can I find a list of all colors :

> Hassan Aurag wrote:
> > How can one get the list of all rgb-text colors available on a
> > system?
> > I am using gtkplot and want to get all available colors on a system.
> > Is it even possible?

> I assume you mean the mappings from, say, NavajoWhite to its rgb 
colour value? If so, look in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb.txt (that's where it 
is in Debian at least - slocate rgb.txt if it's not there :)

> HTH,

> Gareth
> --
> In the beginning was the word.
> But by the time the second word was added to it,
> there was trouble.
> For with it came syntax...

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