Re: bugs in and

Chema Celorio <> writes:

> I was browsing the website and found that there
> was a bug report for gedit in it's bugs database. 
> Should maintainers keep track of both databases,
> at and 
> Or how can we handle this ?
> Some Options :
> - bug-buddy hack, in which bug-buddy knows 
> the database to send the report to, depending
> on the package.
> - Returning an emil to the user, letting him
> know that the bug does not correspons to that 
> server.
> - some evil and nasty hack to forward from one
> database to the other

Well, for a package like gedit, which has no relationship to HelixCode,
I would expect it to work like Red Hat Bugzilla: if a bug is
reported against the HelixCode package for gedit, it is the HelixCode
people's responsibility to forward the bug upstream if appropriate.

Now, if Jacob doesn't like that responsibility, he shouldn't make
the Helixcode package of bug buddy report bugs to the HelixCode
bug tracker.

I don't think package maintainers's should be asked to follow more
than one bug tracker.


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