Re: Respecting standard X options (diatribe)

Or you could run /opt/gnome/bin/sol --display=alpha:0.0

I think -- is used because that is the standard prefix for long options in
GNU (a single dash introduces a sequence of single character options).


On 2000-11-06 15:37:42 +0000 Gareth Bowker wrote:
> "David T. Bath" wrote:
> <snip>
> > So how do I nicely kick off processes aimed at other displays?  If you
> > say "shell out, set DISPLAY and then invoke the program" I'll respond:
> If you run :
>   [me beta]$ DISPLAY=alpha:0.0 /opt/gnome/bin/sol &
> then this should work. This overrides $DISPLAY only for the current
> command.
> HTH,
> Gareth
> -- 
> Gareth Bowker                     |  tgb96 aber ac uk
> PhD Research Student              |
> Space Robotics Team               |  Office: (01970) 621528
> University of Wales, Aberystwyth  |  Mobile: (07971) 219986
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Ian Campbell
Churchill College, Cambridge.

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