Re: menu panel and the macintosh menu bar

Mark <jamess1 wwnet com> writes: 
> I'm the person who initiated that recent discussion, and submitted the
> patch. I'm not sure the way these things usually procede, this is my
> first contribution to the gnome project, but I just assumed that since
> there is no more to discuss I would just continue until the new patch is
> finished. I guess a timeline of some sort might be helpful. What version
> of gnome do the rest of you think this should be targeted at? 1.4? And
> about when would this version be released. Also for my future reference
> (so I can make a proper patch), what is the coresponding branch in
> CVS?

It should be targetted at 2.0 - 1.4 is already sort of frozen for the
last month or more. 2.0 won't be out for at least 6 months, but I'm
sure lots of people will be running the unstable version well before

I'm not sure there is a 2.0 branch in CVS yet, at least not for
> I should note that I'm working to make gnome menus work with KDE too.
> I'm not sure how many gnome/KDE people there are, but it would probably
> be nice for them to have gnome global menus work in KDE and vice versa.

Interoperability is a big deal here, because there's only one global
menu spot, and so if you plan to run KDE apps on a GNOME desktop or
vice versa we need to support the same method of doing the global

I would suggest that we get the global menu mechanism documented in
the next version of the window manager spec
( The first step
there would be to see what KDE does, see if that works well and will
work for GNOME, if so I'd say just propose on wm-spec-list that it be
standardized, if not go on that list and propose a modified method
that would work for us.


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