Where can I fetch my pix? :'(

Hi all :),
 I'm making a little game for Gnome, just for fun... I've
programmed it, and now I'm arguing with all that boring
"autoconf-automake-autosomethingelse" stuff... 8-O... but
I've stepped into a problem:
 My app uses three png files, and its own icon, another png.
I make the installer install them into <dir>/share/pixmaps/,
as I guess is correct; but, when I run the program, it can't
fetch them... I mean, the icon is displayed correctly both
in the menu and in the 'about' widget, while the app seems
unable to figure out where to search the other images, can't
find them...
 I can't figure out why... I declared all of them without
path, in the program, so why the app knows where to search
the icon, and not the other files?
 I can guess that if I use the whole paths


 in the sources, it would work... but what if the user
decides to specify a different prefix? The pix would be
installed elsewhere...
 So, how can I do?? A solution can be to install the pix in
the same dir of the binary file, but... somehow I guess this
isn't _too_ correct... <:) Is there a macro that returns me
the "pointer" to a file installed in a filesystem? Or...
boh! I really don't know! :(
     Thanx in advance,
          Mano :)

Sostieni che il tuo principale raccolto
è la foresta che non hai piantato
e che non vivrai per raccogliere...
Germano Rizzo - Mano hey to

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