GnomeCanvasGroup's children?

Could someone please tell me how to get the children of a
without casting it to _GnomeCanvasGroup? Seems like there probably
be a way to do something like:
    children = (GList *)gtk_object_get_data(GTK_OBJECT(canvas_group),

however this doesn't seem to work and the documentation....err header

/* GnomeCanvasGroup - a group of canvas items
 * A group is a node in the hierarchical tree of groups/items inside a
 * Groups serve to give a logical structure to the items.
 * Consider a circuit editor application that uses the canvas for its
 * display.  Hierarchically, there would be canvas groups that contain
all the
 * components needed for an "adder", for example -- this includes some
 * gates as well as wires.  You can move stuff around in a convenient
way by
 * doing a gnome_canvas_item_move() of the hierarchical groups -- to
move an
 * adder, simply move the group that represents the adder.
 * The following arguments are available:
 * name         type            read/write      description
 * x            double          RW              X coordinate of group's
 * y            double          RW              Y coordinate of group's

which seems to imply that only the x and y are available for

BTW: on a larger note why is the information in the headers above not
included in the
online API reference?


Matt Sottek sottek quiknet com Intel Applications Engineer
My opinions are my own and do not represent Intel.
Intel's opinions are its own and do not represent me.

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