Re: Self Help (1)

On Tuesday, August 7, 2001, at 12:09  PM, Michael Meeks wrote:

* Did you know

        That in both glib 1 and 2, g_hash_table insert does a strange
thing, so - people who don't like leaks do things like this when they
insert into a table:

[ broken ]
my_insert_fn (GHashTable *ht, const char *foo, gpointer value)
        gpointer old_key;
        gpointer old_value;

        if (g_hash_table_lookup_extended (ht, foo, &old_key, &old_value))
                g_free (old_key);

        g_hash_table_insert (ht, g_strdup (foo), value);

        Sadly, this code is broken, since when a duplicate node is
inserted into a hash table it is the old key is retained, and the new
key is not inserted [ apparently this is a feature ].

        There are several ways to fix the code, one of the easiest is:

  my_insert_fn (GHashTable *ht, const char *foo, gpointer value)
        gpointer old_key;
        gpointer old_value;

        if (g_hash_table_lookup_extended (ht, foo, &old_key,
&old_value)) {
+               g_hash_table_remove (ht, foo);
+               g_free (old_key);
+       }

        g_hash_table_insert (ht, g_strdup (foo), value);

        All of the above errors as seen in real code written by
supposedly competant people :-)

You should also know that glib 2 provide g_hash_table_replace, which uses the new key and discards the old one. The old g_hash_table_insert still has the same behavior for compatibility. Using g_hash_table_replace is probably the easiest way to fix the code above.

Even better, glib 2 provides key destroy and value destroy functions for hash tables so the hash table itself will know how to destroy existing keys. So under glib 2 you can do this:

    my_insert_fn (GHashTable *ht, const char *foo, gpointer value)
        gpointer old_key;
        gpointer old_value;

        if (g_hash_table_lookup_extended (ht, foo, &old_key, &old_value))
            g_free (old_key);

        g_hash_table_replace (ht, g_strdup (foo), value);

Or if you create the hash table with g_hash_table_new_full and pass g_free as the key destroy function, you can do this:

    my_insert_fn (GHashTable *ht, const char *foo, gpointer value)
        g_hash_table_replace (ht, g_strdup (foo), value);

The old key will be freed before the new key is put in. In this case, you can also use g_hash_table_insert, in which case the copy of foo that you just did g_strdup on will be freed, but you probably don't care if your key comparison function is strcmp because the new and old keys are guaranteed to be identical.

    -- Darin

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