Re: GNOME File Selector 0.1 released

On 08 Aug 2001 12:26:24 -0400, Havoc Pennington wrote:
> Erik Bågfors <erik bagfors nu> writes: 
> > 
> > Just a short question, will the normal gtk-fileselector be replaced with
> > this in all gtk/gnome-application in the same way that ximian has done
> > today?  Having different fileselectors for different applications will
> > not look good
> > 
> Pretty much inevitable unless we get the API used by applications into
> GTK+. 

(last comment about this topic: that doesn't fix mozilla, OO, kde, etc.)

one thing which was thought about early on was doing some hacks to
emulate the old file selector with the new one; ie creating an
off-screen clist and mirroring what was happing in the new one so that
old apps can still use that api.


it's too bad the old file selector doesn't have a real api, and only
exposes the innards of its widgetry as the means of using it, otherwise
we could hack its implementation some.

> (I don't think linking everything to GAL and so on is reasonable, for
> a variety of much-rehashed reasons.)

the new file selector only requires linking against libbonoboui.

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