Having an applet inheriting the panel's color

Hi everybody,

I'm trying to have an applet taking the same background color as the
panel it is plugged in. I'm working on the example proposed
http://developer.gnome.org/doc/API/panel/index.html. I've added a
"back_change" signal handler on the applet, and I do the following code
in the call back:

static void
applet_back_change(GtkWidget* widget     , PanelBackType back_type ,
                   GdkPixmap* back_pixmap, GdkColor      back_color,
                   gpointer data )
  g_print(_("Background was changed.\n"));
  gdk_window_set_background (  widget->window,
                               &back_color );
} /* EndFunct applet_back_change */

The callback is correctly called at the right time, but the appplet's
color is not set. Would anyone have any idea of what I'm doing wrong.

Thanks a lot


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