Re: glibwww2 patches, gtk object

Paul Davis wrote:

> >>      Also, I've modified src/ so that there are now 3
> >> libraries: glibwww, glibwww-gtk, and glibwww-gnome.  As you might imagine,
> >> the first is based strictly on glib (as per the original code), the second
> >> includes my gtk object, and the third contains those gnome widgets which
> >> were in the cvs tree.
> >
> >I don't know of the value of this much separation.  Each of these mini
> >libraries would be really tiny, and just slow down app load time if they
> >were shared libraries.  This is one of the problems with libwww, where
> >they split it into many small libraries, but to make proper use of it, you
> >ended up having to link to almost all of them.
> The value of this kind of separation (for me) is that some of us
> choose to use gtk but do not use gnome. Its been very frustrating to
> watch as the boundary between gtk and gnome shifts slowly so that most
> of the interesting work and heavy effort goes into a desktop-specific
> library rather than a general purpose widget set. I therefore applaud
> any attempt to keep gtk-only code separate from gnome-requiring code.
> -p
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Yes, I wholeheartedly agree with this!  As an example I have been trying for
days to make Glade create a button with an icon on it using Gtk only.  Oddly the
icon menu only appears when using a "Gnome application window".

I am building an embedded application and cannot/willnot include all of Gnome.
if Gtk follow the trend of gnomification I will have to switch to QT.


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