Re: idea: special menuitem in MenuBar of each gnome application

On Wed, 14 Feb 2001, Vlad Harchev wrote:

 I've forgot to say that such menu could be created by gnome-libs and all
items in this menu will be handled by gnome libs too, so apps won't know even
about the existance of such menu item (i.e. no special support from
programmer needed).

>  Hi, 
>  I have the following idea: to allow application-specific customization of
> application's and toolkit's settings, a special toplevel menu item (i.e. of
> the same level, as 'File' menu) could be inserted into menubar of each gnome.
> It could use '*' as a label (or better an icon of course, but that seems not
> to be easily implementable using gtk), and could contain the following menu
> items:
> [this is a table formatted 8-character tabs]
> menu item/submenu item		type		description
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Accelerators			MENU		Accelerators-oriented menu
> 		Lock		CHECKITEM	Locks/unlocks  all
> 						accelerators that were
> 						assigned by user
> 		Forget all custom ITEM		looses all accelerator
> 						assignments done by user
> 						during all sessions of running
> 						this app. 
> 		Forget new custom ITEM		looses all accelerator
>                                                 assignments done by user
>                                                 during current session (*)
> Customise UI		 	MENU		Customization UI options
> 		Dialogs..	ITEM		Runs a corresp. caplet from
> 						gnomecc to configure dialog
> 						options.
> 						Configuration saved to file
> 						named after App in the
> 						~/.gnome/custom-ui/
> 						subdirectory, all changes
> 						possibly apply on the next
> 						program run only, but they
> 						become App-specific. (*)
> 		Application..	ITEM		Runs a corresp. caplet from
>                                                 gnomecc to configure app UI
>                                                 options.
>                                                 Configuration saved to file
>                                                 named after App in the
>                                                 ~/.gnome/custom-ui/
>                                                 subdirectory, all changes
>                                                 possibly apply on the next
>                                                 program run only, but they
> 						become App-specific. (*)
> 		Theme..		ITEM		Runs a corresp. caplet from
>                                                 gnomecc to select theme and
> 						all associated info.
>                                                 Configuration saved to file
>                                                 named after App in the
>                                                 ~/.gnome/custom-themes/
>                                                 subdirectory (gtkrc file,
> 						named after that App, is
> 						saved there, and looked up
> 						in that dir next time app
> 						starts). Theme change applies
> 						immediately.
> Forget UI		 	MENU		Menu for cancelling 
> customization					customization of various UI
> 						aspects
> 		Dialogs         ITEM            forgets all customization
> 						done via corresp. capplet.
> 						Easy to implement (just remove
> 						all entries corresponding to
> 						corresp. capplet from file
> 						named after app in
> 						~/.gnome/custom-ui/)
>                 Application     ITEM            forgets all customization
>                                                 done via corresp. capplet.
>                                                 Easy to implement (just remove
>                                                 all entries corresponding to
>                                                 corresp. capplet from file
>                                                 named after app in
>                                                 ~/.gnome/custom-ui/)
> 		Theme		ITEM		removes customization of
> 						gtk theme. The gtk theme
> 						that all uncustomized apps
> 						use will be applied
> 						immediately to this app
> Enable sound			CHECKITEM	enables/disables the use of
> 						sound for gui events
> 						(gnome_sound_init/
> 						gnome_sound_shutdown)
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  These were items that I can think of that can be usable by user (in fact
> almost all of them are based on the set of capplets that is available right
> now). I think a lot of more items usable for programmers can be added (like
> dump memory usage, telling PID, call some script to change priority of that
> process, turning debug mode of something, etc).
>  I think implementing support for such menuitems will advance gnome in
> flexibility even further.
> (*) Support for items marked with this are not very straightforward to
> implement IMO
>  What do you think about all this?
> PS: It would be nice if somebody forwarded this letter to
> gnome-hackers gnome org since I don't have post-priveleges to do this :(

 Best regards,

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