Re: Difference between ORBIT and Shared Library ?

Dietmar Maurer wrote:

> Franck Martin wrote:
> > Difference between ORBIT and Shared Library ?
> >
> > I'm trying to understand the difference between ORBIT and a shared library.
> > What are the advantages/disavantage of using CORBA against a shared library
> > and its .h file for linking?
> >
> > I'm getting a bit confused on the issue.
> CORBA is a framework to make Client/Server applications. Here are some links
> with
> further information:
> - Dietmar

Ok, I have read some of the doc, the closest I found was a doc about gda which
was a library wrapped around corba.

I thought that corba was allowing to build objects that can be called inside
procedures... Is it possible to write a library that will be called through an
orbit object service?

On MS ocx objects are special libraries (dll) is it possible to do the same
using orbit?


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