Re: Bug #60014 Fix

On Thu, 2001-09-13 at 19:17, Havoc Pennington wrote:
> Cory Watson <gphat cafes net> writes:
> > Attached is a patch for gnome-terminal, addressing the lack of an error
> > message when the SHELL environment variable is set to "" (either by
> > being clobbered, or by having no shell specified in /etc/passwd).  It is
> > against the current 1.4 CVS as of right about the time of this message.
> I'd love to see this fix go in, the same bug is in the Red Hat
> bugtracker.

would it be safe / ok to try other probably-good shells before popping
the error message?

what's the RH bug #?

"It drains me, and it shakes me, and hurts like hell everytime I play
it, looking out at thousands of people cheering and smiling, oblivious
to the tragedy of it's meaning, like when you're going to have your
dog put down and it's wagging it's tail on the way there." - Thom Yorke

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