RE: [wish list request]


Yes, the configuring should be done via a 
user interface.  What I like about the cde panel
is it's visual apperance and the launcher/drawer
combination. As for association of icons with
applications, that is also a problem with launchers
on the gnome-, kde- and windows-panel.

best regards


-----Original Message-----
From: jgotts linuxsavvy com
To: Riswick, J.G.A. van
Sent: 10-4-2002 5:59
Subject: Re: [wish list request] 


I've used CDE on and off for a long time and I think its panel is
horrid.  It's just too hard to figure out which applications go with
icons, and worse, the association tends to change with successive
versions of
Solaris.  (I also faintly recall this using a CDE-like environment on an
box a long time ago.)

The GNOME panel, KDE panel, and Windows 95 Start menu are far superior.


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