Re: Vertical text in GtkLabel (gtk 2.0)

On Tue, 2002-07-16 at 13:46, Igor Popik wrote:
> Hello!
> I want to create label which contains vertical text - i want use this as
> a label for GtkNotebook with tabs placed on the left side. Is there any
> chance that i can get such effect. I've tried to play with
> gtk_label_get_layout && pango_layout_get_context &&
> pango_context_set_base_dir with no effect. Can anybody help?

  I think pango doesn't support anything other than horizontal text.
  Maybe you can use a compromise solution of placing horizontal text
with characters split across several lines, one line per character, as
done in GtkVRuler.

> Thanks,
> Igor
> -- 
> :: Igor Popik, THrull ircnet    
> ::,
> :: mailto:igipop wsfiz edu pl, mailto:thrull slackware pl
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