User data in gnome menus

Hi everybody. Thanks for your help.
I have a problem with the user_data parameter of a GnomeUIInfo structure.
My project is made of several c files, but i'm not going to send you all of them, i'll only extract the most important piece of code.

/********** main_window.c *****************/
GtkWidget *app;
app = gnome_app_new("GnomeGps", "GnomeGps");
ggps_install_menu_bar(app); /*This function is in bars.c*/

/********** bars.c ************************/
static GnomeUIInfo file_menu[] = {

static GnomeUIInfo main_menu[] = {

void ggps_install_menu_bar(GtkWidget *app)
gnome_app_create_menus_with_data(GNOME_APP(app), main_menu, app); /*This function is in open.c*/

/********** open.c *********************/
void file_open_cb (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data)
	GtkWidget *open_file_selector;
	open_file_selector = gtk_file_selection_new(NULL);

	gtk_window_set_modal (GTK_WINDOW (open_file_selector), TRUE);
gtk_window_set_transient_for(GTK_WINDOW(open_file_selector), GTK_WINDOW((GtkWidget *)app)); /*THE PROBLEM IS HERE!!*/
	gtk_widget_show (open_file_selector);

That's to say, i'm opening a file selection dialog when clicking on the option "open" in the file menu. The problem is that i think the "gpointer data" parameter (in the function file_open_cb should point to the "app" variable, because i do that when i call gnome_app_create_menus_with_data(...,...,app). This does NOT work. Please What i'm doing wrong? I only want to use the "app" variable from the file main_window.c in the file open.c (but without using extern variables). Please correct my code or give me a new way of doing it.

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