GNOME 2.4 input problem


After upgrading from Debian sarge (GNOME 2.2) to Debian sid (GNOME 2.4) I can not type input into any of my Gnome apps (gnome-terminal, gedit etc..) When i click in a gnome app such as gnome-terminal the cursor does not move and no text is produced and I get an audible beep every time I press a key. Is this a known bug? How do I fix this? I also was getting console keymap problem during upgrade (i solved this by 'loadkeys us' command), is this related to my gnome 2.4 problem? I found no error messages relating to this gnome problem in /var/log and no message is output when I try to type into a gnome app. I selected Xsession in GDM and was able to use TWM xterm's fine without any error so I'm fairly confident this is a Gnome 2.4 problem and not an xf4 or wm problem.

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