Re: Is there someone working on a gnome_help_display replacement?

On Sat, 2005-02-12 at 20:36 -0600, Shaun McCance wrote:
>On Sun, 2005-02-13 at 02:54 +0100, Kristof Vansant wrote:
>> I started on replacing libgnome and libgnomeui code from project with
>> gtk counterparts. The most used and not yet replaceable function is the
>> gnome_help_display function. What I was wondering is: is someone working
>> on a replacement for gtk or is there another way to replace this
>> function?
>I don't think it's likely that such a function would ever make it into
>Even if we finally got a standardized help system on
>(and it
>will happen eventually, I promise), launching the help file is in the
>problem space as opening up a web browser or opening a file with the
>program.  And I don't think those are things GTK+ is going to address.

Well, gtk+ 2.6 has addressed a similar problem in the following way:

Also, some good ideas here:


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