Docking Panel Problem - strut (??) - Very Important


I have a very important problem. Tomorrow I have to hand in a programm that
will decide about where I get a Job or not! I hope you can help me, and save
my life, because I am completely clueless!

Here Is my problem:

I have to create a Docking Panel (Stock Ticker) that behaves just like the
Gnome Panel! It has to be dockable either at the bottom or at the top!
Now I looked into the GNOME Panel source, and I found something that is
called "Strut". Okay so I set the Strut using XChangeProperty to 32 pixels,
but the point is
That the Strut is not set above the existing GNOME panel, but underneath it!
Result: The Stock ticker will not dock above the GNOME Taskbar, it will dock
at the same position and overlap it!

The GNOME Bar (when you drag the upper Menu down) will dock above an
existing bar!

I am a beginner to C++ so I hope you can give me some clues!
I bet it's a lil work for you, that would take me days or weeks! But I have
to hand it in tomorrow!

Thank you in advance!
Kiss .. Werner

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