Re: Basic Emulation Defaults

> Perhaps we should also expand the hotkey configuration such that the
> managers are aware of it.  That way, the end user need not learn each
> manager's different config files or programs.  The Windows|OS/2 one, for
> example, would have alt+f4 for closing windows.  IceWM has a good list of
> keyboard shortcuts for OS/2 and Windows (as well as look & feel).

<basket type="too hard">

That's pretty much guaranteed not to happen. If window manager authors
include such configuration options, great, let the control centre deal use
that interface to make it happen. It's certainly not something that we can
guarantee for any or all WMs.

Not great for usability, but it's part of the package you get with X.


> > 1) Desktops can then have markedly different settings, which may be
> > for users who are configuration junkies (read: most users).
> What do you mean?

Joe's desktop has configuration A, Jane's has configuration B, Jethro's has
a fully customised configuration C. Jane sits down at Joe's computer during
lunch and finds herself swearing at her sandwich.

This sort of system would affect the entire set of keybindings and allow
huge differences between desktops. This doesn't really suggest an interest
in standardisation. We're not here to make users of <insert the unfree OS
you've just been unchained from> comfortable, we're here to make all users

- Jeff

-- please excuse the email software :)
-- moses hasn't gnu parted the hard drives at work (yet)

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