Re: Gimp-style menus

I post the full mail cos you forgot the list. ;]

mbabcock fibrespeed net (2001-04-16 at 1150.54 -0400):
> > Then where goes the filter or the selection menus, for example? If you
> > remove them you lose functions, if you split them (between right click
> > and top menu, ie) what rule do you use to decide which goes where?
> I would not split them.  The drop-down menu ought to be the necessary (or
> useful) subset of the top menus.  The top menus should have everything in them.

OK, top menu all, right button menu a subset. Can you make a example
list of the right button menu entries, please? I am unable to decide,
I have used it so many times that I do not think what to leave there
or what to remove.

> > > Microsoft Word 98 is pretty good at this, by the way.
> >
> > Sorry, I do not use it (no Linux, BSD or similar versions).
> I used it as an example for those who have used it.  It does a pretty good job
> at context menus.
> > You can hide them and use the full dialogs instead (I prefer to launch
> > them only when needed, and via doubleclicking this areas). Maybe it
> > should be off as default? I do not remember the defaults, but it is
> > possible, look in preferences.


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