Re: Janitor-list for code in GNOME CVS

<quote who="Kjartan Maraas">

> Lately I've been thinking of  making a janitor-list for code in GNOME
> CVS. This is inspired by the janitor-list the linux-kernel hackers have

This is an enormously cool idea, and something that can only help get GNOME
2.0 kicking arse as fast as some of us envision. ;) There's lots of coders
out there just wondering where to pitch in...

Perhaps a bunch of the "proper" hackers could get together on IRC and throw
around some ideas for janitor TODOs... I'd be very happy to log and
summarise onto a webpage or whatever.

- Jeff

-- jdub aphid net ----------------------------- --

        I used the word 'infrastructure' when describing her cooking        
              style... and she didn't speak to me for a week.               

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