Re: Janitor-list for code in GNOME CVS

On Sat, Mar 17, 2001 at 06:07:46PM +1100, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> <quote who="Kjartan Maraas">
> > Lately I've been thinking of  making a janitor-list for code in GNOME
> > CVS. This is inspired by the janitor-list the linux-kernel hackers have
> This is an enormously cool idea, and something that can only help get GNOME
> 2.0 kicking arse as fast as some of us envision. ;) There's lots of coders
> out there just wondering where to pitch in...

  Yep this can be really useful. But identifying Gnome wide things to
changes might be a bit more difficult than for something as self-contained
as the kernel.

> Perhaps a bunch of the "proper" hackers could get together on IRC and throw
> around some ideas for janitor TODOs... I'd be very happy to log and
> summarise onto a webpage or whatever.

  Let's get this going on the list, rebuilding a single file from
the list archives won't be difficult.
  Of course I can suggest a first item:

   Prepare code for libxml2 migration:
     Detailed steps are at
  - replace xmlDoc root field when used and change it to xmlRootNode
    even better use xmlDocGetRootElement(doc) to get the root element
    of a document
  - replace xmlNode childs field when used and change it to xmlChildrenNode 
  - add a LIBXML_TEST_VERSION macro somewhere in your main()
  - call xmlKeepBlanksDefault(0) too if your code uses the tree build
    and is not ready to handle extra formating chars as blank nodes
 This won't change behaviour for people compiling with libxml1 but
should make the application libxml2 ready.


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network
veillard redhat com  | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

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