Re: Icon Love (long-ish)

On Wed, 23 Jan 2002, Christian Rose wrote:

> "A to Z" is not a concept that many users of localized interfaces grasp
> as "sort order", unless they are used to using the English interface
> (which shouldn't be a requirement anyway), or can make a long mental
> reasoning about it like this:
>   "this button has the letters A and Z and an arrow, what does it mean,
> oh wait, this application was originally in English, and the letters A
> and Z are the first and last letters of the *English* alphabet I think,
> hence this must mean sort"
> I know a lot of users that would *never* make that connection,
> especially since the rest of the application usually is well localized,
> and thus they never have to figure out "what is this in English?". Heck,
> some may not even know that the application was originally written in
> English! ;)

Why didn't anyone comment on my suggestion to use 1->9 and 9->1 instead. 
It seems that this would solve the issue for everyone.

/ Alex

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