Added gtkhtml branch


As title -- just found that gtkhtml has gnome 1.x branch
too, and modified status pages accordingly. Besides, gal
seems to be branched as well, but that's more confusing.
I found 2 likely branch names:

   Existing Tags:
   GAL_0_18_1                      (revision: 1.186)
   gal-devel-branch                (branch: 1.185.2)
   GAL_DEVEL_BRANCH_BASE           (revision: 1.186)
   GAL_0_18                        (revision: 1.184)
   GAL_0_17                        (revision: 1.182)
   GAL_0_16                        (revision: 1.180)
   GAL_0_15                        (revision: 1.166)
   GAL_0_14                        (revision: 1.160)
   gal-2                           (branch: 1.158.2)
   GAL_2_ANCHOR                    (revision: 1.158)

Which one indicates the real branching point? gal-2
or gal-devel-branch? Or both are valid branch point,
but gal-2 is for gnome-2.x and gal-devel-branch is
for gnome-1.x ? Or...... well, I'm puzzled.


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