fontcarton and walk500

Hi guys,

Could you take a look at the fontcarton and the walk500 modules in CVS
and translate this in your native languages ?

- Walk500: Rio500 (the MP3 walkman) manager. I don't think that many (if
any) of you will be able to check that the translations are actually
correct and use the program, as it requires a Rio500. E-mail me if you
have a doubt on what something means in the context of the application.

- Fontcarton: an eel-based font viewer. Pretty straight forward, and
really not too much to translate. Just one thing, do *not* translate the
sentence "The quick brown fox..." literally. It's a pangram (check
google for infos), ie. it's a sentence which contains all the letters
from the alphabet. I don't know if that makes any sense, or is even
possible for people that don't use the latin alphabet, but if you
translate it literally, it doesn't make any sense. (or does it Christian


/Bastien Nocera

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