Re: fontcarton and walk500

"Bastien R. Nocera" wrote:
> - Fontcarton: an eel-based font viewer. Pretty straight forward, and
> really not too much to translate. Just one thing, do *not* translate the
> sentence "The quick brown fox..." literally. It's a pangram (check
> google for infos), ie. it's a sentence which contains all the letters
> from the alphabet. I don't know if that makes any sense, or is even
> possible for people that don't use the latin alphabet, but if you
> translate it literally, it doesn't make any sense. (or does it Christian
> ;)

The sentence I used as a "translation":

  "Flygande bäckasiner söka strax hwila på mjuka tuvor. 0123456789"

is a slightly modified quote (from some Swedish literature) that is
commonly used to display most available characters in the Swedish
language (I think the quote is also used in some form in the font viewer
of the Swedish Windows). So don't worry, it's not a literal translation,
it's just a similarily used sentence (pangram) in Swedish.

If you are worried that translators will translate this literally, why
not make a comment? Gettext has a feature that automatically extracts a
source code comment that is on the line immediately preceding a
gettextified string, and puts this as a comment for this message also in
the pot file, so that it is immediately visible for translators. The
attached patch adds such a comment.

Index: src/fontcarton.c
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/fontcarton/src/fontcarton.c,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -p -r1.2 fontcarton.c
--- src/fontcarton.c    2001/10/07 14:54:10     1.2
+++ src/fontcarton.c    2001/10/10 16:31:35
@@ -143,6 +143,12 @@ GdkPixbuf *fc_font_to_pixbuf(gchar *font
        height = 346;
+       /* Do not translate this sentence literally. It's a pangram (check
+        * google for infos), ie. it's a sentence which contains all the
+        * letters from the alphabet. I don't know if that makes any sense,
+        * or is even possible for people that don't use the latin alphabet,
+        * but if you translate it literally, it doesn't make any sense.
+        */
        text = g_strdup_printf(_("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 0123456789"));
        text_len = strlen(text);
        /* g_print("%d\n", text_len); */

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