Mimers brunn TM 1.0.0a

I have just released a very simple GUI Translation Memory. So far it has
only very basic search facilities of glob-type. But there will eventually
be more features and also APIs in various languages to communicate
directly with the TM. The format before import is TMX 1.3, There
is a facility to automatically convert a directory of po-files into
tmx-format and then of course to import it into the TM.

In the package is a small example database of English-Swedish translations
created from some of the sv-pofiles in the Translation Project.
All data is stored in utf-8, the conversion converts from the format that
the po-files are in and creates an utf-8 file. It is possible to add any
number of languages, to translate to and from, for example from a
multilingual glossary. A converter from delimited text in utf-8 is in the
works, let me know if you are interested in that
happening sooner rather than later.

You can download and get more information at:

It requires Tcl/Tk and some related packages, there are links to download
areas for everything that is required at the page mentioned above.

Veronica Loell

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