[Fwd: RE: Your final comments on gswitchit in 2.4...]

-----Пересланное сообщение-----
From: Murray.Cumming@Comneon.com
To: sergey.oudaltsov@clients.ie
Cc: jdub@perkypants.org, jrb@redhat.com, jody@gnome.org, release-team@gnome.org
Subject: RE: Your final comments on gswitchit in 2.4...
Date: 23 Jun 2003 16:53:59 +0200

> From: Sergey V. Oudaltsov [mailto:sergey.oudaltsov@clients.ie] 
> > I think you need to
> > - simplify the UI - it's just a keyboard switcher 
> It is full-fledged keyboard configurator - which is a bit 
> more.

GNOME is probably not interested in a complete "keyboard configurator" or a
UI for everything that XKB can do. We try to provide functionality, ideally
functionality that people need. As I understand it, we just want to make the
following use cases possible:

- Murray has a german keyboard. He uses an english keyboard layout with it.
  He wants to type an o with an umlaut in gedit.
  He needs to switch to a german keyboard layout so that pressing the
o-with-an-umlaut key gives him an o-with-an-umlaut.
  Then we needs to switch back to an english keyboard layout.

- Bob spends half his time writing arabic and half the time writing english.

  His keyboard has both sets of symbols on the keys [1], but he needs to
change keyboard layouts to actually type those characters.

I could be wrong about this. If so, it needs to be made clear what we want
to achieve.

[1] I've seen this for Thai too.

Murray Cumming

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